Christmas in the Carolinas

Day One

Thursday - 12/18/08

Going Home to North Carolina

Leaving home (OH) to visit home (NC), I left with mixed feelings. Seeing my mom and family is always good since I live so far away from the them; however, going on this trip without Jim gave the whole trip a slightly sad undertone. Although I have been back to see my family a couple of times in the last few years (Nana's 90th bday party in Aug '07, and just this past Feb. when Tara and I drove down), the last time I was home for Christmas was with Jim in 2004.
It was a gray day flying out of Canton; but at least it wasn't a snowy day . . . yet! After I was down in the (cloudy) low 70-degree temperatures of the Carolinas, snow came to my northern home.

Ha Ha, my Yankee friends
I'm always amazed flying above the Appalachian Mountains. The mountains only look like ripples in the landscape from 20,000 ft. (MouseOver for a CloseUp) Instead of looking like "mountains", the range looks more like the "rolling hills" of the Carolinas. Yet it was only ten months ago, that Tara drove us up steep inclines, down into deep shadow-covered valleys, around curves hugging the hillsides, and through tunnels.

That drive definitely makes me grateful for the work Orville and Wilbur right did in North Carolina - the true birthplace of flight. (Not like Ohio claims )
After deplaning, lugging my carry-on the 1/2 mile trek through the airport to the baggage area, I got my first bit of Christmas Spirit just seeing my Mom's smiling face as I approached. Later that evening, we met up with my GrandMother (a spry 91 yr. old, who just had her drivers license renewed) and had a lovely dinner out before returning to spend the first night at my Mom's house.

Day Two

Friday - 12/19/08

The second day of the trip had a bad start . . . at 3 o'clock in the morning! A hour after dinner the night before I had a few moments twinge of feeling like I might be sick from my meds; but that seemed to pass quickly and not bother me the rest of the night. Unfortunately, the meds have the way eventually, and I spent from 3 to 4 am, hanging over my mom's toilet. Ick!
Thankfully though I didn't feel nearly that bad after I had gone back to bed for a few more hours. I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Mom, her hubby Dennis, and their houseful of dogs.
Between Rudy growling in front of me, and Sunny jumping up (and pulling my ponytail) in back of me, I wasn't certain if we'd ever get a good picture of me and the dogs.
Being without Jim wasn't the only sad thing associated with this trip. Unfortunately, Mom's oldest dog, Inky (16), is nearing the end of his long life. Just a year ago, I was faced with the same sad decision to make as Mom is having to contemplate now. I hope telling her about my thoughts and the actions I took easing Gabby's passing last December, that it would help her have the courage and wisdom to handle caring for Inky during this difficult time.

After spending Thursday evening and most of Friday with Mom, I moved on the next relatives to visit. Because Donny and Angie had plans to attend a Christmas party, I got to put on my "uncle mikie" hat and watch over my nieces Kayla and Allison. We played Legos, watched TV, chatted and looked through Donny and Angie's yearbook (where I pointed out that I was in several yearbooks too that had their daddy's picture). I watched the girls play with the Wii Fit, but declined to join in claiming old age and being tired from the trip. (Next time I'll remember to bring a sweat suit if they're going to want me to "exercise" with them on my vacation. )
My sister-in-law enjoyed the party just enough and was pleasantly tipsy and tired when they arrived back home. However, as on most of my trips, I stayed up late talking with my brother.

Day Three

Saturday - 12/20/08

Christmas with the Bivenses

Ah, the first day of Winter in North Carolina!
Winter's first day wasn't as pretty back in Ohio though.
Instead of exchanges presents this year, my family members made contributions to various organizations in each other's names. To get the kids involved in Christmas giving, the kids baked cookies and took gifts to a nearby children's shelter.
When the cookie baking process began to slow down, I stepped in and showed how to really bake cookies. I mean I did learn at the feet of the Master (I love your cookies, DO). Having just done about 20 dozen batches of cut-out cookies last week, I showed the girls how to tackle the chore for mass cookie production.

Later in the day, it was time to move to the next stop on my trip.
Everyone gathered at Jon and Lisa's house for our annual family get-together.
Allison, GrandMother (behind the Christmas decoration), Lisa, Jenny, Kayla, Mom, Jon, Donny and Dennis
Not to leave out the boys, Jackson and Jonathan on the other side of the island
Between my traveling and their preparations for the party, everybody was pretty tired and we called it any early night at Jon's house after the party; but we made up for the lost time the next day going out and getting Lisa's Christmas present. Jon sneaked us out while Lisa was in the shower Smart guy though, he left a note explaining that Christmas was a time for secrets and that we'd be back soon Of course, it helped that we brought back lunch with us.

Unfortunately, my time back home was limited and soon it was time for me to move on.

Day Four

Sunday - 12/21/08

As usual with most of my relatives, we can all talk a bunch, so I stayed up pretty late talking and laughing with my GrandMother. I have always loved my GrandMother and was very happy to see that she is still doing very well for her age. Coming up on 92 this summer, she still lives in her own home and is still very much able to drive. Why just days before my arrival, she was passed and had her license renewed for another four years. As always had I had wonderful time just spending time with my GrandMother.

Day Five

Monday - 12/22/08

Returning Home to Ohio

After only a short time visiting with everyone, it was time for me to head home to Ohio. Saying goodbye to Nana, I went back to spend my last few hours back home with my Mom before heading North. The flight home was uneventful and we landed in Ohio where there was only a dusting of snow on the ground.
Some of you, especially my family, knows that one reason I go home is to get Cheerwine. (Cheerwine is a cherry cola that is much better than Cherry Coke. Unfortunately, it's only sold in the South.) Though I will always be a loyal Coke drinker, Cheerwine will always hold a special place in my heart (and on my tongue and in my belly!)
Since I had gotten my plane ticket for about $20 less than normal, I used the "extra" money to pay for my first piece of checked in luggage on the way home. (US Airway just started a policy of carry-on luggage is free while the first checked in piece is $15 and each piece of luggage afterwards is another $25). I had checked online and the cost to ship two 12-packs of Cheerwine would  total nearly $50. By packing a second travel bag under the clothes in my carry-on bag, I was able to ship home a suitcase FULL of Cheerwine at half that price, to get me through until my next trip South.

Merry Christmas!

And a Happy New Year!