P2 - Pooltag 2007 Pooltag 2
"the sheep are wet"
July 29, 2007
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What is Pooltag?

In August of 2004, Jim and I went to Cleveland to see the RedBull Flugtag (pronounced "flew-tog"). In that contest, people built "flying machines" and sailed off the end of a dock to see whose craft would go the farthest. We've decided for Jim's 50th birthday party in 2006 to host, not only a pool party , but also a contest loosely based on that idea. Our contest is called "Pooltag" (pronounced "pool-tog", meaning "the sheep are wet" *). After talking with our contestants from last year, we have decided to hold our contest again. Similar to Flugtag, we would like all the participants to come in a costume and present a small skit (with music) before launching their entry in the competition.

The ultimate challenge of Pooltag is to build a float made from 2-liter pop bottles and to make it across the distance of the pool. Anyone can enter! You'll need to let us know by filling out an entrance form. Along with this exciting event, there will be numerous planned games and activities (see the Schedule of Events and Game Rules sections for more information). Throughout the day's events, the participants will be eligible to receive points and the fun of the day will be concluded with a cookout, birthday cake, "hotdog cake", and an Award Ceremony for all the winners of the Pooltag Challenge.

Make sure you add your email to our Pooltag Mailing List, and not only will you receive updates on the construction of the Pooltag floats throughout the Summer; but afterwards, you'll get an email when I have all the pictures and scores posted.

© 2007 - a "Jim & I" Production