my "Kidz" the Boyz - 1
See the newest Puppy Pix
Muffin Muffin
Tasha Tasha
Appollonia Apple
Elecktra Elektra
Sheagra Sheagra
EightBall EightBall
Hershey Hershey
Triumph Triumph
Gabreille Gabrielle
Joxer Joxer
Aries Aries
Zeus Zeus

The Pack
1 2 3 4
The Boyz
1 2
the Boyz
1       2
the Pack
1       2
3       4
A Lot More Ornery On Day Two!
Great-Great Grandad Richard's kids meeting my kids
The Babies Playing
Being spoiled
and learning to eat from a fork
The Boyz Playing Tug-O-War with Uncle Jim
Growing up and still cute!
Playing on the Couch
Learning to go up and down the stairs

In case of Emergency...
Before you read about my pets, take a moment to read this pet tale
and learn how to help your pets if a disaster strikes home.