(aka Zoobie) (2000 - ?) |
Additional Pix of Zeus and Family |
Additional Pix of Zeus and Aries |
For over a decade, my house had always been filled with dogs. Unfortunately in the years after Randy passed away, my little family has dwindled down. Then as 2000 ended, the size of my family suddenly doubled as two brothers of Gabby and Joxer came to live with us!!! |
Just before December, 2000, I learned that Gabby and Joxer's mom and dad (Ginger and George) were going to be parents for the fifth time! Being the great-great-great
granddad to the coming puppies, I got offered a pup. When I went to look at the litter (when they were 3 weeks old), I mentioned that two puppies would be really nice, and was surprised to find the breeder overjoyed to have found "the" new home for the only remaining puppy. I had to make my 2 choices out of three rust colored boys - which eventually led to my "Name-the-Puppies" contest. |
Since I didn't know the exact birth date for the puppies, I had figured that instead of "Christmas Puppies", I would just consider these two new boyz to be an anniversary present from Randy (1/15/85). Sappy, I know; but all the dogs will always belong to me and Randy :) Boy was I surprised then, when the breeder called just before the New Year, begging me to come and claim the hungry poop-machines that were terrorizing their house. So instead of "puppy-proofing" the house during the holiday weekend, I spent the time bonding with my new boyz - Aries and Zeus! |
Zeus is my little ornery pup. Kind of rowdy and adventurous (except for exploring the kitchen. LOL I think he hates the cold tile), Zeus is the larger of the two, and has a smudge of white on his forehead. Like his brother, he wears white "socks" too. |
After a few years had gone by, I found that my
initial assessment of the temperament of Zeus and his brother, Aries, was backwards. As the two grew up, Aries got meaner and began my problem child, while Zeus got sweeter and quieter. Sometimes I really wish that Zeus was an "only child" because he really is a sweet doggie; but often he doesn't get all the attention he deserves. |
2002 |
2005 |
2007 |
2009 |