my "Kidz" Muffin
See the newest Puppy Pix
Muffin Muffin
Tasha Tasha
Appollonia Apple
Elecktra Elektra
Sheagra Sheagra
EightBall EightBall
Hershey Hershey
Triumph Triumph
Gabreille Gabrielle
Joxer Joxer
Aries Aries
Zeus Zeus

The Pack
1 2 3 4
The Boyz
1 2
(1980? 1985 - 1989)

Muffy Randy and I had only been together for a few months in my hometown of Charlotte, NC, living in an apartment that did not allow pets. Breaking the rules though, we got a dog - Muffin. Not a very original name, but we had "inherited" the dog from an older lady. They had found Muffin abandoned in a well as a puppy and had had this cock-a-poo for several years. Unfortunately, Muffin was quite the bitch and did not get along with this lady's new grandchildren.
Since moving into the apartment, I had been pet-less for several years and was easily conned into becoming Muffin's new owner. Randy frequently hinted that we should get another dog - an idea which I vetoed since my name was on the lease. But of course, that didn't stop him - that's how we got Apple! LOL)
Muffin, already 5 when she came into our lives, continued to get older - and bitchier. At times she could be the snarliest dog you ever saw; but for me, she was always a sweet loving dog. She was definitely "my" dog, so Randy got a cat named Tasha, after I issued another house rule - no cats unless it's a Siamese.
My most vivid memory of Muffin was when I thought she wasn't my dog. Having just left my house 15 minutes earlier, I was surprised by news from my friend's neighbors - that my house was on fire! It was a drizzly night and as I screeched into my driveway, I nearly ran over the animal crates that the firemen had rescued from my burning home. Frantically, I peered through the wire, trying to determine if all our pets were safe. At first, I thought the wet grey dog shivering inside was someone else's pet until I realized that is was actually Muffin, the normally white cock-a-poo. No one died in the fire thankfully, although Muffin was scorched while Elektra's crate suffered only smoke damage. Unfortunately, the fire and old age did take a toll on Muffy. When she became blind and nearly deaf, we had to make that fateful trip to the vet.