my "Kidz" Gabrielle's Warrior Reign
See the newest Puppy Pix
Muffin Muffin
Tasha Tasha
Appollonia Apple
Elecktra Elektra
Sheagra Sheagra
EightBall EightBall
Hershey Hershey
Triumph Triumph
Gabreille Gabrielle
Joxer Joxer
Aries Aries
Zeus Zeus

The Pack
1 2 3 4
The Boyz
1 2
(aka Gabby)
(1997 - 2007)

Additional Pix of Gabrielle and Family
Gabrielle Always being really in touch with my dogs and their feelings, we were all bummed out by losing Apple and LBB. For a while, the house was quite and nobody (human, canine or feline) really felt like playing anymore. Fortunately, our grieving was put on hold when, for a second time, a dog belonging to my friend Richard became mine through default. And it is the probably the BEST thing that could have ever happened to my little family.
Unfortunately, Gabrielle (then known as "Doobie" and living with Richard and his family) was hurt when she was about 4 months old. Rushing to the emergency vet to meet Richard, I was pleased to find that she was doing okay. However, the nerves in her front right shoulder had been seriously damaged and the vet could not speculate on the outcome. Richard was moving and wasn't able to keep Gabby at the new house. I wasn't certain what I thought about having a crippled pet; but she was Apple's great-grandbaby, so how could I say no. I tried to keep her leg bandaged but she was too energetic for that. Gabrielle
Gabby never did regain any use of the limb and we had it amputated when she was about a year old (I had her fixed at the same time. I don't like having to put my pets, or myself, under anesthesia too many times.) You could NEVER tell that she is missing a leg. No height is too high for her to jump. No distance is too long to run. And NO ONE is exempt from having to play with her and her toys! I have determined that she truly believes that any visitor to my house has come to see HER. LOL
Throughout all the years, Gabby was never held back by her missing leg. Why one Spring as we were opening Jim's pool, she jumped right into the green water and began swimming - in circles! LOL Jim jumped into the cold water and rescued her. It was funny watching the green color drain as we rinsed off both Gabby and Jim.

Throughout all the years, Gabby was never held back by her missing leg. Why one Spring as we were opening Jim's pool, she jumped right into the green water and began swimming - in circles! LOL Jim jumped into the cold water and rescued her. It was funny watching the green color drain as we rinsed off both Gabby and Jim.
As old age crept up on Gabby, one of her eyes had a problem. For a while, it was swollen and bugged out more than usual. When that finally cleared up, she seemed to lose most, but not all, of her sight in that eye. Unfortunately, with age, she not only began to lose her sight; but also her hearing and her hair!
Just short of the one year anniversary of living at Jim's house, things took a serious turn for the worse. Shortly after Thanksgiving, Gabby became very lethargic and seemed to have lost quite a bit of weight. For 10 days, I watched over her. She had been so thin and weak since this crisis started that I had expected to find her gone every time I glanced over to check on her. I still can't believe that she hung on as long as she did. She never seemed to be in any pain or discomfort though, and as each day went by, I just couldn't justify taking her out in the cold and snow, to be scared by going to the vet.
Just short of the one year anniversary of living at Jim's house, things took a serious turn for the worse. Shortly after Thanksgiving, Gabby became very lethargic and seemed to have lost quite a bit of weight. For 10 days, I watched over her. She had been so thin and weak since this crisis started that I had expected to find her gone every time I glanced over to check on her. I still can't believe that she hung on as long as she did. She never seemed to be in any pain or discomfort though, and as each day went by, I just couldn't justify taking her out in the cold and snow, to be scared by going to the vet.

Gabrielle Gabrielle
Gabrielle Gabrielle
Gabrielle Gabrielle
Gabrielle Gabrielle



Mikie and Gabby snuggling up to keep warm