Updated 12/27/00 |
By now, you should have heard that
I'll be getting, not one, but TWO puppies in January. Now the
big problem is what to name them. When Randy and I started
breeding cocker spaniels, we named the dogs after, not only the
pet store (It's Reigning Pets); but also after characters
on albums by (the artist that I formerly knew him as) Prince
(hence Appollonia and Elektra). The cockers that I have gotten
since Randy passed away have been named after characters from
the TV show Xena (i.e. Gabrielle and Joxer). So what do I call
the two new boys? |
To help me out, please vote on any (or all - this isn't scientific, you know. LOL) of the puppies' names choices below. Then you have the chance to enter up to 5 MORE puppies' names choices! You can even enter your name, and take the blame for your suggestions. LOL I didn't have time to finish up the nifty programming to tally up these counts, so I'll be changing the results by hand as I receive your votes. Please check back frequently to see how the elections are going! |
Hurry! Cast Your Ballot Soon! |
Because the puppies will be old
enough to come live with me within a month, you have a limited
time to nominate names and/or vote for the names entered by
everyone else. This contest will end sometime before Jan. 15th,
2001. |
After setting up shop, we decided not to sell puppies or kittens; but that didn't stop us from breeding Apple for our own puppies. We found a reputable cocker spaniel breeder outside of Cleveland and set Apple up for a date with Punch. Sixty-two days afterward, we got our first litter of six pups (that included Elektra, Mr. Peabody 14th, Winston, and McHale). We traded a pup from this litter for our second cat, Sheagra. |
A year later, after the move to Canton, Oh., we bred Apple one more time and got another litter of six pups (that included LBB, EightBall, Spot, Ebony and Kyre). Rushing home from a modeling show, we watched for several hours while the pups slowly emerged. Anxious, I called our breeder and found that it could take some time to deliver all the pups. Thinking Apple needed to use the bathroom, I followed her out with a towel and flashlight and was surprised to find her deliver EightBall right on the sidewalk. After all the pups had arrived, Apple not only took a much-needed drink of water, but she went around the house and brought back ALL of her toys for her new little ones. |
Unfortunately, Apple, had a mild stroke in 1998. Although, it didn't greatly affect her, with her other old age problems and heavy breathing, she had become a very old, sick dog. At the same time, LBB became ill. So, on Thursday, July 10, I had to have both LBB and Apple put to sleep
at the same time. What a heart-wrenching day that was! By the next day, I had proof that I had done the correct thing. It was much, much quieter in the house without the heavy,
labored breathing that Apple had been doing. |